The European Commission Directorate General for Interpretation (DG SCIC)
The European Commission is currently seeking to recruit graduates for its Interpretation Service and is particularly targeting those with English mother tongue plus two EU languages. There is a serious shortage of qualified candidates for the language services of the EU as well as in the UN, the shortage being particularly acute where English speakers are concerned.
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European Parliament Interpretation
“The European Parliament has one of the largest interpreting services in the world. Interpreters play an important role in ensuring effective communication in this unique institution which works every day in 24 languages.”
The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission (DGT)
The European Commission is constantly seeking to recruit high-calibre graduates for its Translation Service and is particularly targeting those with English mother tongue plus two EU languages. There is a serious shortage of qualified candidates, the shortage being particularly acute where English speakers are concerned and where lesser known EU languages (e.g. of the Baltic and Slavonic language families) need to be covered.
The Ministry of Defence
Apart from being an important employer of linguists, the UK Ministry of Defence also provides foreign language training in a wide range of languages and interpreting tailored to task.
EUROPA – Interpreting for Europe
This resource provides information on career opportunities for interpreters with the European Institutions.
National Register of Public Service Interpreters
“NRPSI Ltd is as its title suggests a National Register of Public Service Interpreters for the use of Public Service Organisations and agencies that they work through to obtain professional, qualified and quality assured interpreters.” (NRPSI)
United Nations – Interpretation Services
This resource provides information on how the United Nations use interpreters.
“For 50 years, AIIC has represented professional conference interpreters worldwide and set standards for the practice of the profession” (AIIC)
This website contains links to professional codes of practice, news, jobs, courses and conferences and other useful information. It also includes an interface to a directory of interpreters, as well as information for clients on choosing interpreting services and for students on selecting a suitable interpreting course.
APCI – Association of Police and Court Interpreters
“The Association of Police & Court Interpreters, founded in 1974, is a professional association of independent, freelance interpreters working within the Criminal Justice System.” (APCI)
CIOL – Institute of Linguists
The CIOL is a professional credentialing body and member organization for linguists, translators and interpreters in the United Kingdom.
ITI – Institute of Translation and Interpreting
Based in the UK, the ITI is a professional organisation with the aim of promoting quality in the field of translation and interpretation.
Universities Contact Group
The Universities Contact Group is part of IAMLADP (The International Annual Meeting on Language Arrangements, Documentation and Publications) and its Working Group on Training (WGT). UCG acts as a liaison point between universities from around the world and international organisations (IOs). Comprised of representatives from both groups, it aims to facilitate cooperation between the two in professional language skills training.
More about UCG training seminars
International Permanent Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters (CIUTI)
‘CIUTI and its members aim to ensure a high quality in the training of translators and interpreters. In order to safeguard this quality against the background of different national frameworks, CIUTI subscribes to the principle of equivalence in diversity. CIUTI does not aim to streamline the degrees of translators and interpreters at its member institutions. Rather, the diverse structures of higher education in the countries of the CIUTI members should be exploited to ensure that the same quality standards are reached at the end of the degrees.’ (CIUTI members)
Interpreter training resources
This is a dedicated site for students of conference interpreting
European Masters in Conference Interpreting
The European Masters in Conference Interpreting is a Masters-type university programme which was launched as a pilot project by the European Commission’s Joint Interpreting and Conference Service (JICS), DGXXII and the European Parliament in 1997. The EMCI working group includes now fifteen universities and
École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs
This reputed French institution runs MA programmes in Interpreting, as well as Translation.
N.B.: Website content is in French.
École de traduction et d’interprétation (ETI)
This reputed Swiss institution runs courses in Interpreting, as well as Translation.
N.B.: Website content is in French.
EU Audiovisual Services
Audiovisual and multimedia material including live streaming.
EU Tube
The official EU YouTube channel.
DG Interpretation
YouTube channel of the European Commission DG Interpretation.
United Nations
Webcasts of the General Assembly, Press Conferences etc., as well as an archive of videos with their transcripts
Language Promotion
The UK Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS)
“Our mission is to foster world-class education in our subject areas. We do this by supporting our stakeholders and helping them to provide the best possible learning experience for students. LLAS will be responsive to the needs of our stakeholders and also offer academic leadership in promoting good practice and identifying emerging issues.” (LLAS)